Happy New year 2015 !! Crazy thinking that 2014 is over.. it went incredibly FAST .. and now January is 1/2 over and I haven't done anything .. So if the blog is a bore ahhh sorry..
Have a look at my restored BMW F800 GS .. It was my Christmas gift to myself , new paint, and many new bits and pieces. $300 USD well spent :)
Not sure if I was just tired when I decided to make NOT exercising in 2015 my New Years resolution, or what, but so far so good !! How many of you are still keeping your resolutions ?
The highlight of the past year was Pakistan , riding to the border of China in the Himalayan mountains.. the low was probably the horrible traffic accidents in India..
A few days ago I entered Cambodia and headed the same direction most tourists do, to Angkor Wat .Angkor Wat is a world heritage site. First a Hindu Temple, now Buddhist, dating back to the 12th century . Over Lander Dan from England is here and we will catch up on each others travel before moving on again.
Although there are a large number of tourists in Cambodia, it is nothing like Thailand . Thailand was a lot of fun, but I needed to move on .. Lelo is a great friend from Tanzania who visited over the holidays. We will have a lot of laughs years to come looking back on our tour of Thailand. Hiking, site seeing, meeting up with our friends here, discussing our global travels, and future goals over more than a beer or tooo...
I asked this older boy if I could take his picture, and he started lining up his brothers and sisters for the photo.. :) it took him a while , but I loved watching him get them just right, more than the photo it self.
I should be on the banks of the Mekong River soon.. Boats travel to Phoem Penh Cambodia, then on to Vietnam. Its not an option to ride solo in Vietnam on your own motorcycle, so I may leave it someplace in Cambodia and take a boat for a visit while I am so close. A boat ride is probably just as safe as flying these days ... and I can swim if there is a problem !
Have a look at my restored BMW F800 GS .. It was my Christmas gift to myself , new paint, and many new bits and pieces. $300 USD well spent :)
Not sure if I was just tired when I decided to make NOT exercising in 2015 my New Years resolution, or what, but so far so good !! How many of you are still keeping your resolutions ?
The highlight of the past year was Pakistan , riding to the border of China in the Himalayan mountains.. the low was probably the horrible traffic accidents in India..
A few days ago I entered Cambodia and headed the same direction most tourists do, to Angkor Wat .Angkor Wat is a world heritage site. First a Hindu Temple, now Buddhist, dating back to the 12th century . Over Lander Dan from England is here and we will catch up on each others travel before moving on again.
Although there are a large number of tourists in Cambodia, it is nothing like Thailand . Thailand was a lot of fun, but I needed to move on .. Lelo is a great friend from Tanzania who visited over the holidays. We will have a lot of laughs years to come looking back on our tour of Thailand. Hiking, site seeing, meeting up with our friends here, discussing our global travels, and future goals over more than a beer or tooo...
I don't know if I can get used to your colour change on your bike. I guess black hides the scars pretty well. Glad to see you are continuing to enjoy your ride. Hopefully I will find a decent bike in Sydney and be able to start my journey in Oz in a few weeks. Stay safe.